Jurgen Appelo – pioneering leadership of innovative businesses

Vispārīga informācija

Norises datums: 06.12.2018 - 06.12.2018 Reģistrācijas beigas: 04.12.2018 Ilgums: Atrašanās vieta: Radisson Blu Hotel Olümpia (Liivalaia 33, Tallinn) Price: 159 € + km
Saņem izdevīgākos piedāvājumus -30%

One of world’s top 40 leadership experts, Jurgen Appelo is coming to Estonia for the first time!

The author of bestselling leadership books in Europe and an entrepreneur of the year in Holland, will come and step on the stage to share practical knowledge on how to upgrade an enterprise with more engagement and faster results.

Top-down leadership is devastating to the modern employees, who tend to be independent and entrepreneurial themselves. Nowadays leadership culture is rapidly moving towards a tendency where the leader needs to be one of the employees, an equal to them. How to reach that by not losing authority at the same time?

By taking care of you employees, they will take even better care of your customers!

The purpose of the course is to change a hierarchical and destructive leadership into developing and inspiring.

The participants of the course will learn how to change the inner climate of an enterprise into healthy and positive environment, whereas better financial numbers will follow.


Registration and morning coffee

09:30 - 10:00

Global leadership revolution, leadership 3.0

10:00 - 11:00

Leadership 3.0 is a global leadership revolution, which stands in the collaboration to find the most efficient way in order to achieve business goals, but at the same time keeping employees happy.

Coffee break

11:00 - 11:15

Organization as an operative gearshift

11:15 - 12:15

In order for an organization to be successful, it needs to have an operative gearshift. It is necessary to react fast and efficiently to changes. However, it happens rather often that fast reactions are stopped and slowed down by employees fear of changes. J. Appelo teaches to reshape habits so that as a result inner motivation will rise in order to make changes.

Studiju organizācijas pamati

Pasākuma tips:


Lektoru skaits:


Mērķa grupa:

Business managers, team leaders, CEO-s, human resource managers and all others interested in leadership.

Mācību metodes:

Interactive lecture and collaboration with the audience.

Atteikšanās noteikumi:

When cancelling later than 28.11.18, participation fee will not be returned.

Projekta vadītājs:

Mari Teppo


Eesti Koolitus- ja Konverentsikeskus OÜ has the right to make changes in the programme.